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Support through the holiday season 2024$269

How it works: 

  • We'll meet for a 30-minute 1:1 call to map out your plan to handle, reduce, or eliminate 2-3 of your holiday parenting stressors
  • Then, through the end of 2024, come to weekly live, interactive Q&A calls to ask questions and get help with implementation to make sure that you get results! 

What this means for you: 

  • Not only will you have a plan, but you'll also have an expert in your back pocket to help you through the holiday season. No more wasting energy wondering how to handle stressful situations! 
  • You'll feel more in control and experience more peace and ease with your family. (Yes, it's possible.) 

BONUSES through Friday, November 29: 

  • Additional private messaging support 
  • $20 off! 

  • Total payment
  • 1xSupport through the holiday season 2024$269

All prices in USD
